SAM 1066


FORENAME * Required
SURNAME * Required
AGE * Required
  If you are under 18 a parent/guardian will be required to sign a consent form on the bottom of the confirmation email you receive after completing this form. (If you are over 18 please ignore the consent form part of the confirmation email.)
COUNTRY * Required
HOME or MOBILE TEL No. * Required
MEMBERSHIP * * Required
EMAIL ADDRESS ** * Required


* Senior and junior membership is only open to members of the British Model Flying Association (B.M.F.A.).

Registration of an email address is mandatory. If you do not have your own Email address, you may  register any other that you want your club communications to be sent, i.e. Family member, friend or workplace.
(Please obtain the permission of the email address owner first)

    I have read and understood the Club Constitution and Club Privacy notice and agree to abide by them.  * Required